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Public offer

Basic definitions

In this Offer, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the following meanings and are an integral part of it:

Seller – SPEKTR LLC, address (location): 101000, Moscow, ext. ter. Basmanny Municipal District, Lubyansky proezd, 27/1, building 1, floor 4, room 109, OGRN 1217700207449, INN 9709071350, checkpoint 770901001.

Buyer is any individual who has provided the Seller with contact and personal information (last name, first name, patronymic, email address, telephone number), which can be used to place an order multiple times. This information is provided through the Buyer’s registration on the website, as well as during the ordering process.

Parties – Seller and Buyer.

Online store is the official online store of the Seller; the online store provides the Buyer with the opportunity to search and order Products through the website and mobile application. On the website of the online store and in the mobile application there is a catalog of goods with prices, on the basis of which the Buyer can form his order.

Website is a collection of information resources posted on the Internet at vitaccishop.ru. The site is owned and administered by SPECTRUM LLC.

Mobile application – the Seller’s software designed to work on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.

Order – a completed request from the Buyer for the purchase and delivery to the address specified in the request for Goods selected in the online store, sent via the Internet.

Product is an object of the online store catalog intended for sale to the public for personal use not related to business activities.

Delivery service is an engaged courier service that fulfills its obligations on the basis of a contract.

1. General provisions
1.1. This public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement) is an official offer of SPECTRUM LLC to any individual who has the legal capacity and the necessary authority to enter into a purchase and sale agreement for the Goods with SPECTRUM LLC on the terms specified in this Offer, and contains all the essential terms of the Agreement.

1.2. Relations in the field of consumer rights protection are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2020. No. 2463 “On approval of the rules for the sale of goods under a retail purchase and sale agreement” (section: Rules for the sale of goods during the remote method of selling goods under a retail purchase and sale agreement) and other federal laws and legal acts of the Russian Federation.

1.3. The information posted on the website of the online store, as well as in the mobile application of the online store, contains the terms of the offer to purchase the Goods and constitutes a public offer in accordance with Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

1.4. When placing an order on the website of the online store, as well as in the mobile application of the online store, the Buyer agrees to the terms and conditions provided for in this Agreement.

1.5. Any individual who has reached the age of 18 (eighteen) years of age and is able to accept and pay for the Goods, purchasing or using the goods exclusively for personal needs not related to business activities, can make a purchase in the online store, as well as through a mobile application, provided that: that the Buyer has access to the order page.

1.6. Any information about products on the website, as well as in the mobile application, can be changed by the online store unilaterally without prior notice to the Buyer.

1.7. Orders placed on the website, as well as through the vitaccishop.ru mobile application, are delivered only within Moscow and the Moscow region.

1.8. The product is presented in the catalog through photo samples, which are the property of the online store.

1.9. Product presentation describes the characteristics of the Product in the form of graphic, multimedia, or text information. At the same time, some graphic parameters and characteristics of the product may differ from the presented graphic images (photos), since studio photography may slightly distort the color of the Product or headset on accessories.

1.10. Consent to the processing of personal data.
1. Basic concepts.
- Personal data is any information relating directly or indirectly to the subject of personal data;
- A certain individual (user) who is the sole owner of personal data belonging to him is the Subject of Personal Data;
- Any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed using automation tools or without the use of such means with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data - this is Processing of personal data;
- A legal entity organizes and carries out the processing of personal data, and also determines the purposes of processing personal data, the composition of personal data to be processed, actions (operations) performed with personal data - this is the Personal Data Operator.

2. Under the following conditions, I confirm my consent to the processing of my personal data.
The operator of SPECTRUM LLC processes personal data solely for the purposes for which they were provided, including:
- registration of the subject of personal data (personal data) on the Organization’s website to provide access to individual sections;
- providing the PD subject with information about the Organization, our services and events;
- communication with the subject of personal data when contacting the Organization;
- organizing the participation of the subject of personal data in events and surveys conducted by the Organization;
- sending the Organization’s news materials to the PD subject;
- fulfillment of powers and duties assigned to the Organization by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. List of personal data transferred to the Operator for processing:
- Full name;
- E-mail;
- Contact phone number;
- Address;
- At his request, the Buyer can indicate his gender and date of birth in his personal account.

4. The subject (user) consents to the processing of his personal data by the Operator of SPECTRUM LLC, that is, performing, inter alia, the following actions: processing (including collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, depersonalization, blocking, destruction of personal data), with a general description of the above methods of data processing in the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, as well as the transfer of such information to third parties, in cases established by regulatory documents of higher authorities and legislation.

5. This consent is valid for an indefinite period.

6. The subject, upon written request, has the right to receive information regarding the processing of his personal data (in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 14 of the Federal Law of June 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ). I confirm that the information posted by me applies only to me and does not violate the rights of third parties. I also confirm that I am familiar with the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data”, the rights and obligations in the field of personal data protection have been explained to me.

2. Registration
2.1. The Buyer is responsible for the accuracy and correctness of the information provided during registration.
2.2. When registering in the online store and in the mobile application, the Buyer indicates his last name, first name, mobile number, email, which in the future will be his login. The password will be the password created by the Buyer. Individual identification of the Buyer allows you to avoid unauthorized actions by third parties on behalf of the Buyer. The buyer is solely responsible for all possible negative consequences in the event of transferring the login and password to third parties.
2.3. SPECTRUM LLC confirms that all personal data received from registered Buyers will be processed in accordance with Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On Personal Data.”

3. Subject of the Agreement and price of the Product
3.1. The Seller transfers, and the Buyer accepts and pays for the Goods under the terms of this Agreement.
3.2. Ownership of the ordered Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment the Buyer pays the full cost of the Goods. The risk of accidental loss or damage to the Goods passes to the Buyer from the moment of actual delivery of the Goods to the Buyer.
3.3. Prices for the Products are determined by the Seller unilaterally and indisputably and are indicated on the pages of the online store.
3.4. The price of the Product is indicated in Russian rubles and includes value added tax.

4. Moment of conclusion of the Agreement
4.1. The text of this Agreement is a public offer (in accordance with Article 435 and Part 2 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
4.2. Acceptance of this Offer (Agreement) is the Buyer’s placing an order for the Product in accordance with the terms of this Offer.
4.3. The agreement concluded on the basis of the Buyer’s acceptance of this Offer is an Adhesion Agreement, to which the Buyer joins without any exceptions and/or reservations.
4.4. The fact of placing an order by the Buyer is an unconditional fact of acceptance by the Buyer of the terms of this Agreement. The Buyer who purchased the goods in the online store, as well as in the Seller’s mobile application (placed an order for the Goods), is considered as a person who has entered into a relationship with the Seller under the terms of this Agreement.

5. Order processing and deadlines
5.1. The Buyer's order can be placed on the Online Store Website, through the mobile application. When placing an order via the Internet (website or application), the Buyer fills out an electronic order form for the Product and sends the completed order to the Seller via the Internet.
5.2. The Buyer has the right to place an order for any Product presented on the Website of the online store, in the mobile application, in stock, or available for pre-order, provided that it is technically possible to place an order through the Website or mobile application.
5.3. After clicking the “Place an order” button, a pop-up window will appear on the screen in which you agree to receive a one-time code to confirm the order. By clicking the “Get Code” button, you will receive an SMS message with a confirmation code on your phone number (which you specified when registering on the site). Enter the confirmation code from the SMS message in the “Order Confirmation” window. After you enter the confirmation code, you will receive a message indicating that your order has been successfully completed and will see your order number. Next, the order will be transferred to our manager.
5.4. If the Product is unavailable, the Buyer has the right to replace it with a Product of a similar model or price, refuse this Product, or cancel the order. Replacement of missing Products can be made by placing a new order.

6. Rights and obligations of the parties
6.1. The seller has the right:
6.1.1. Change this Agreement, prices for the Products and tariffs for related services, methods and terms of payment and delivery of the Products unilaterally by placing them on the pages of the online store located at the Internet address: vitaccishop.ru, as well as the mobile application. All changes come into force immediately after publication, and are considered brought to the attention of the Buyer from the moment of such publication.
6.1.2. Make recordings of telephone conversations (with notification that recordings are being made), as well as save records of correspondence in written communication channels (email, SMS messages and instant messenger messages with the Buyer. In accordance with clause 4 of Article 16 of the Federal Law “On Information, information technologies and information protection" The Seller undertakes to: prevent attempts of unauthorized access to information and/or transfer it to persons not directly related to the execution of orders; promptly detect and suppress such facts.
6.1.3. Without agreement with the Buyer, transfer your rights and obligations for the execution of the Agreement to third parties.
6.1.4. The Seller has the right to unilaterally limit the number of product items in one order, the amount of one order, as well as the number of orders sent to one address at a time to one Buyer. Information about the quantity of Goods available for order is posted on the Site, as well as in the Seller’s mobile application in the “Delivery Method” section.
6.1.5. Use "Cookies" technology.
6.1.6. Receive information about the IP address of the visitor to the Site vitaccishop.ru. This information is not used to identify the visitor and cannot be transferred to third parties.
6.1.7. The Seller has the right to send advertising and informational messages to the Buyer via e-mail with information about discounts, promotions, and new arrivals only if the Buyer subscribes to the newsletter in the “Subscribe to our newsletter and get a 10% discount” section. The frequency of mailings is determined by the Seller independently, unilaterally.
6.2. The buyer undertakes:
6.2.1. Before concluding the Agreement, familiarize yourself with the contents and terms of the Offer, prices for the Products offered by the Seller in the online store and in the mobile application.
6.2.2. In order for the Seller to fulfill its obligations to the Buyer, the latter must provide all the necessary data that uniquely identifies him as the Buyer and is sufficient for delivery to the Buyer of the Goods paid for by him. 6.2.3. Pay for the ordered Product and its delivery under the terms of this Agreement.
6.2.4. Comply with the terms of this Offer.
6.2.5. Do not use the Product ordered on the website in a mobile application for business purposes.

7. Withdrawal of the Offer
7.1. The Offer (Agreement) can be withdrawn by the Seller at any time. Revocation of the Offer is not a basis for waiver of the Seller’s obligations under already concluded contracts. The Seller undertakes to post a notice of withdrawal of the Offer in its online store and in the mobile application, indicating the exact time of withdrawal of the Offer, no less than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the event of withdrawal (suspension) of the Offer.

8. Delivery
8.1. The Seller delivers the Products ordered by the Buyer using an external delivery service. Delivery times and costs are indicated on the Seller’s website, as well as in the mobile application in the “Delivery Method” section.
8.2. The buyer indicates the desired delivery method when placing an order. The selected delivery method can be changed within 15 (fifteen) minutes after placing the order and only by communicating between the Buyer and the online store operator via electronic communication.
8.3. The Seller undertakes to make every possible effort to deliver the Goods ordered by the Buyer within the time limits specified on the Seller’s website, as well as in the mobile application. The Seller does not assume responsibility for delivery delays that are not the fault of the Seller.
8.4. By concluding this Agreement, the Buyer expresses his consent, together with the Seller, to take measures to combat fraud, and therefore, upon acceptance of the Goods from a representative of the delivery service, if the latter makes a demand, he undertakes to provide him with an identification document of the Buyer (passport), or to carry out identification the client in another way specified by the courier service representative (for example, via an SMS code sent to a phone number).
8.5. The Buyer checks the Goods in the presence of the courier or at the pick-up point (order pick-up point) CDEK. Otherwise, the Seller is not responsible for the integrity of the Order.
8.6. By accepting the Goods from the courier or at the pick-up point (order pick-up point) of CDEK, the Buyer confirms that he has no complaints about the assortment, quantity, weight, appearance, configuration of the Goods, or the compliance of the received Goods with what was ordered. After receiving the Order, claims regarding the quantity, completeness and appearance of the Goods will not be accepted.
8.7. If the delivery of the Goods was made within the established agreed upon time frame, but the Goods were not transferred to the Buyer due to his fault, subsequent delivery is made on a paid basis and at a new time agreed with the Seller, after the Buyer has paid the cost of services for re-delivery of the Goods for the previously provided delivery service .

9. Payment
9.1. Payment for Goods ordered by the Buyer on the Online Store Website and through the mobile application is carried out upon receipt of the Goods in Russian rubles in cash or by bank card.
9.2. The price of the Product is indicated on the Online Store Website, directly next to its image.
9.3. The seller reserves the right to change prices unilaterally. In this case, the price of Goods ordered by the Buyer through the Site and through the mobile application is not subject to change from the moment the order is confirmed by the Seller.
9.4. In case of actual absence of the Goods in the Seller’s warehouse, the Seller has the right to cancel the order.
9.5. In case of return of the Goods by the Buyer, funds are credited to the card from which the payment was made, or to another card, the details of which the Buyer will indicate in his return application, to the bank account when paying in cash. Refunds are made within 10 (ten) days after filling out the application and actually returning the Goods to the Seller.

10. Exchange and return
10.1. Exchange and return of Goods of good quality
10.1.1. The Buyer has the right to refuse the Goods at any time before receiving it, and after receiving the Goods - within 14 (fourteen) calendar days starting from the next day after receipt of the goods. Return of a product of proper quality is possible if its presentation, consumer properties, as well as a document or other evidence confirming the fact and conditions of purchase of the specified product are preserved.
10.1.2. The Buyer has the right to return the Product of proper quality within 14 (fourteen) calendar days starting from the next day after receipt of the Product. According to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1, it is impossible to return used Products. The return of goods of proper quality is carried out if the specified goods have not been used, their presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels are preserved, and there is also a sales or cash receipt, or other evidence confirming the fact of payment for the goods. The rules for the sale, exchange and return of goods are regulated by the Federal Law of 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 09/27/2007. No. 612 “On approval of the Rules for the sale of goods remotely.”
10.1.3. The exchange of Goods of good quality purchased in an online store or in a mobile application is made through the “Return of Goods” procedure.
10.1.4. Methods for returning Products purchased in an online store or in a mobile application and received by courier delivery or at a pick-up point (point of delivery of orders) CDEK are posted on the website in the “Return Method” section.
10.1.5. When returning the Goods, the Buyer must have with him an identification document, a cash receipt and a sales receipt (delivery note). This procedure is regulated by the Department of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Russian Federation for Moscow (letter dated April 16, 2003 No. 2912/20843).
10.1.6. The return of the Goods is made on the basis of the Application completed and signed by the Buyer.
10.2. Exchange and return of goods of inadequate quality.
10.2.1. The Buyer has the right to return a used Product of inadequate quality by sending a return request by email to vozvrat@vitaccishop.ru to receive a return application.
10.2.2. After accepting the application from the Buyer, an internal quality check of the goods is carried out. The time frame for conducting an inspection and making a decision on it is from 7 to 20 calendar days.
10.2.3. Refunds for goods of inadequate quality are made upon a written application from the Buyer in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
10.2.4. Goods of inadequate quality mean non-compliance of the Goods with the mandatory requirements provided for by law or in the manner established by it, or the terms of the contract (in their absence or incompleteness of the conditions usually imposed on the requirements), or the purposes for which the Goods of this kind are usually used, or the purposes about which the seller was informed by the consumer when concluding a contract, or a sample and (or) description when selling goods according to the sample and (or) description. The Product received must correspond to the description on the website.
10.2.5. In the event of a dispute about the reasons for the occurrence of defects in the Product, the Seller is obliged to conduct an examination of the Product at its own expense. The examination of the Product is carried out within the time limits established by Articles 20, 21 and 22 of this Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” to satisfy the relevant consumer requirements. The consumer has the right to be present during the examination of the goods and, in case of disagreement with its results, to challenge the conclusion of such examination in court. If, as a result of the examination of the goods, it is established that its defects arose due to circumstances for which the Seller is not responsible, the Buyer is obliged to reimburse the Seller for the costs of conducting the examination, as well as the associated costs for storage and transportation of the goods.
10.2.6. If an independent examination finds the quality of the Goods to be inadequate, within 10 (ten) working days from the date of provision of documents confirming the results of the independent examination, the Buyer is paid the cost of the Goods, and also compensated for the costs of the examination and shipment of the Goods (subject to the provision of supporting documents and an application to free form).
10.2.7. The product cannot be exchanged: with defects resulting from use in conditions that do not correspond to its intended purpose; with mechanical damage (burns, cuts, scratches, etc.); deformed as a result of improper wear, drying, loss of quality as a result of chemical exposure and other defects caused by the Buyer; repaired by the Buyer before presentation to the store (except for replacing heels, attaching metal jambs, gluing a preventive outsole, if such repairs did not result in the formation of defects). The warranty does not apply to heels, fastenings of metal jambs, gluing of preventive soles and accessories.

11. Warranty
11.1. The warranty period for shoes is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of delivery of the goods to the consumer. The warranty for shoes purchased out of season begins with the onset of that season:
Seasonality dates for Moscow and the Moscow region:
• from November 1 to March 1 – winter season;
• from September 1 to November 1 - autumn season;
• from March 1 to May 1 - spring season;
• from May 1 to September 1 - summer season.

In other regions, the onset of the season is determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, based on the climatic conditions of the location of consumers.

The warranty does not apply:
• for parts requiring minor repairs (clasps, buckles, decorative elements, jewelry, etc.),
• for replacement parts (insoles, laces, heels, etc.).
The warranty period for other goods (clothing, bags, accessories) is 14 (fourteen) calendar days.
Hosiery items cannot be returned or exchanged.

12. Force majeure
12.1. Any of the Parties is released from liability for complete or partial failure to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement if this failure was caused by force majeure circumstances that arose after the signing of this Agreement. Force majeure means extraordinary events or circumstances that such Party could not foresee or prevent by means available to it. Such extraordinary events or circumstances include, but are not limited to: strikes, floods, fires, earthquakes and other natural disasters, wars, hostilities, actions of Russian or foreign government authorities, as well as any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of either Party . Changes in current legislation or regulations that directly or indirectly affect any of the Parties are not considered force majeure circumstances, however, in the event of such changes being made that do not allow either Party to fulfill any of its obligations under this Agreement, The Parties are obliged to immediately make a decision on the procedure for eliminating this problem in order to ensure that the Parties continue to fulfill this Agreement.

13. Responsibility of the parties
13.1. For failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement, the Parties are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
13.2. All text information and graphic images posted in the online store have a legal copyright holder, illegal use of this information and images is prosecuted in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
13.3. The Seller is not responsible for damage caused to the Buyer due to improper use of Goods purchased in the online store and in the mobile application.
13.3. The Seller is not responsible for the Buyer's losses resulting from: incorrect filling out of the order form (including incorrect indication of personal data), unlawful actions of third parties.
13.4. The buyer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the information and personal data specified by him when registering in the online store and mobile application.

14. Confidentiality
14.1. When registering in the online store and mobile application, the Buyer provides the following information about himself: last name, first name, email address, phone number, password to access the personal account of the online store.
14.2. The Seller has the right to use the information received from the Buyer to register the Buyer in the online store and mobile application, to fulfill its obligations to the Buyer, to analyze the operation of the online store, to transfer the Buyer’s data to third parties acting on the basis of an agreement with the Seller, to fulfill obligations to Buyer.
14.3. Disclosure of information in accordance with reasonable and applicable requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation is not considered a violation of obligations.
14.4. The Seller is not responsible for the information provided by the Buyer on the Site in a publicly accessible form.

15. Other conditions
15.1. The online store reserves the right to expand and reduce the product offering on the Site and in the mobile application, regulate access to the purchase of any goods, as well as suspend or terminate the sale of any goods at its sole discretion.
15.2. This Agreement should be considered as published on the Site, and should be applied and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
15.3. By concluding this Agreement, the Buyer expresses his consent to the receipt, collection, storage, processing and use by the Seller of the Buyer’s personal data that has become known to him for the purposes of this Agreement. In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Personal Data” No. 152-FZ dated July 25, 2011, the Buyer gives his consent to the Seller, as well as other companies with which the Seller has concluded relevant agreements, to process his personal data (last name, first name, patronymic (full name), delivery address, telephone number, email, at his request, the Buyer in his personal account can indicate gender and date of birth) including the collection, systematization, storage, clarification, destruction of data in order to obtain information about promotions and programs for regular customers, as well as conducting marketing research, etc. This consent is valid from the day the Buyer’s Order is placed until the day this consent is withdrawn in writing. This consent may be revoked by the Buyer, subject to written notification to the Seller 30 (thirty) calendar days before the expected date of termination of the use of the Buyer’s personal data.
15.4. The buyer expresses his consent to receive information from the online store about the arrival of new collections, the start of sales, special promotions and other information about goods and services that could potentially be of interest to him.
15.5. The Seller reserves the right to moderate reviews and leave only the most informative and useful for other Buyers.
15.6. All rights to the content and images of the site vitaccishop.ru belong to the company SPEKTR LLC.
15.7. Colors displayed on the Buyer's monitor may differ from actual colors due to color rendering errors of different monitor models.
15.8. The Buyer guarantees that all the terms of this Agreement are clear to him and he accepts them unconditionally and in full.
15.9. The Parties will try to resolve all disputes related to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations under this agreement through negotiations.
15.10. In case of failure to reach agreement during negotiations, disputes will be resolved in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
15.11. The invalidity of any condition of this Agreement does not entail the invalidity of the remaining conditions.